How to Lose Weight and Look Great in 4 Weeks! - Health - Weight Loss

So you want to lose weight and look great in the next four weeks, well in this article I m going to show you the steps you need to take achieve this. I m not going to give you some miracle advice, or some easy five minutes a day workout here which will give you amazing results, as they don t exist or if they do they don t work! I am going to give you the tools and knowledge that you need, but what results you get are solely down to your hard work and dedication to the cause. So if you want some amazing results over the next few weeks, and you are willing to do what it takes to get them, then keep reading and I will show you how!

There are main elements that you have to look at if you want learn how to lose fat and look amazing. These are your Diet and Activity .

The food that you put into your body will inevitably decide what you are going to look like, if you feed your body with crap you will look like crap! A little harsh I know but it s true. The key to not only losing weight but also looking healthy is eating a balanced diet with all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs, this way you won t have any deficiencies and your body will thrive and look great.

If you want to achieve the results that you want you need to make a change to the way you eat, here are the dos and don t that you must apply to your eating habits:

Don t eat processed foods and Ready Meals!

These are full of terrible things! Refined sugars, refined carbohydrates and trans fats are just a few of the horrible things that man puts into our foods during processing. These will make you fat, make your skin look nasty and can cause serious health problems. Don t be fooled by low health meals either, the fat which makes them tasty is actually replaced by refined sugar which are just as bad!

Do eat natural foods!

What you should be eating is natural fruits and vegetables. These are rich in fibre and contain the vitamins and minerals we need. This will create and nutrient rich environment for your body, which will encourage fat loss and will make you look so much healthier. You skin will be clearer and you will just feel great!

Don t starve yourself or skip meals!

Some people think that to lose weight they should skip meals and basically starve themselves thin, this is the wrong thing to do. Starving your body of things that is needs will cause it to react with it s in built starvation response. Your body will slow down it s metabolism and will try to hold onto to body fat at all costs, it will actually start to eat away at your muscles first rather than fat!

Do eat more often!

This may sound strange, but the most efficient way to lose weight is to eat more frequently! Rather than having two or three large meals per day, go for five or six small meals, each consisting of a lean protein (such as chicken) and a portion of fruit or vegetables. This will actually speed up your metabolism and encourage your body to burn fat.

Don t ignore calories!

There are a lot of diets out there that say calories don t matter, well let me tell you when it comes to losing fat, they really do! For your body to lose weight it has to be in what is known as a calorie deficit, this means that it needs to be burning up more calories than it is being supplied with. The best way to achieve this is with a combination of a calorie controlled diet and with exercise, which will we be discussing later. The good news is that as soon as you start eating more naturally your calories will drop intake will reduce immediately! To work out how many calories you need use the following formula:

Women: BMR = 655.1 + (9.6563 x weight in Kg) + (1.850 x height in centimeters) - (4.676 x age in years)

Men: BMR = 66.5 + (13.75 x weight in Kg) + (5.003 x height in centimeters) - (6.775 x age in years)

This gives you your calorie requirement to stay the same weight, you should then take 15% off this to lose weight. Don t take any more than 15% though as this will also cause the starvation response to kick in!

Do eat more protein.

Eat more protein will help prevent muscle loss and keep hunger at bay. Eat protein at every meal. Good protein sources include egg whites, chicken, turkey, fish and lean beef.

Don t Snack on Sweets, crisps and chocolate!

Snacking on these types of foods will have a detrimental effect on your weight loss goals. They are high in calories, sugar and fat, and have the ability to prevent you from losing weight and even put weight on. If you are desperate for a sugary snack, try substituting grapes as a snack. They a high in natural sugars, so will ease that sugar craving!

Do drink plenty of water

Every process in your body needs water, this includes the process of burning fat. So you must drink enough water everyday, to ensure that your body can function to its full potential. Try to drink at least 1.5 litres of water throughout each day.

That is the dos and don ts of dieting that you need to follow religiously if you want to succeed in your weight loss goals. Now let s take a look at your activity.

Ok so I may have misled you slightly with the term activity, but the word exercise tends to send shivers down the spines of a lot of weight loss wannabes! The fact of the matter is, if you want to lose weight and look great too, then you have to exercise, there is no getting round it! I m going to go straight into the dos and don ts of exercise now, you will notice that this time there are a lot more do s !

Do some form of cardio for at least thirty minutes at least five days a week.

This is where your hard work has to start, if you want fast results you have to put the effort in. By cardio I basically mean exercise that gets your heart going. Activities such as jogging, cycling, rowing, boxing and aerobics are great choices for cardio workouts. You need to perform a 30 to 40 minute workout at least 5 times a week to see the fast results. If you like you can mix up different types of cardio, however you like, it really is up to you. Trust me if you put the effort in, this is where the amazing results will come from.

Do Train with Weights.

Weight training? you might say, but I want to lose weight not become a body builder! Weight training is not just for body builders, and certainly not just for men. Weight training will firm up and build new muscle, which will actually help you lose weight as muscle burns up calories by maintaining itself. Don t worry about getting too muscular as put on a large about of muscle requires over feeding of calories, where as you should be in a calorie deficit. When you lose weight having toned muscles will make you look firmer, and prevent you from looking like a rake! A weight training workout can incorporate free weights, resistance machines and body weight exercises. Keep your workouts under 50mins in length, and start off by perform a full body workout repeated 3 times each week. There are many great full body workouts, so chose one that appeals to you. Also if you are doing cardio and weight training on the same day, perform the cardio at the end of the session, or eve n better split the sessions in different times of day. Cardio first thing then weight on the evening is a good option.

Do perform cardio in the morning.

This isn t essential, but if you perform cardio workouts first thing in the morning before breakfast your body will target body fat faster! As you have no food (fuel) in side of you your body will turn to it s internal sources of energy, i.e. your body fat! This is a great technique so give it a go!

Do Warm and Stretch!

This is an area which is overlooked by a lot of people. As you will be putting your muscles through a lot with all this exercise, you must stretch them! Failure to stretch at the end of a workout will cause the muscle to tighten and will lead to injury. So ensure that you spend 10 minutes at the end of your sessions stretching, holding each stretch for at least thirty seconds.

Do get your beauty sleep!

This is the final one for you, after all the tiring exercise this will sound great! You must allow yourself enough sleep each night for your body to recover and repair. Most of your bodies recovery and maintenance occurs when you are a sleep, and with all the exercise it is important that you do get enough sleep. Not only that but it will prevent you from looking tired and having unsightly bags under your eyes! You must get at least eight hours of sleep very night without fail!

So there you have it, if you want to lose weight fast and look amazing follow my dos and don ts and you will be well on your way to success. One last thing I would like to say is that success will in the end come down to whether you stick with your diet and exercise program, it can some times by easier to grab a quick junk meal rather than cook, or skip a workout at the gym because there is something on TV. Believe me though if you stay strong and consistent, you will reach your goals and you will look amazing, and all of the hard work will be worth it.

So all that I have left to say is good luck and I wish you all the best in your goals!

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