The Art Of Seduction - Become A Better Seducer - Relationships - Dating

The Art Of Seduction

Having fun is important when learning the art of seduction as it constantly keeps you motivated and moving. You will find that on your journey to becoming a transformed Casanova that sometimes you can be feeling down on yourself (this happens to a lot of guys and its completely natural).

If you're approaching plenty of women and not getting the reactions you seek then its natural to feel slightly de-motivated to continue, which is why MOST guys give up the game within the first 3 months.

As humans we seek quick fixes and instant results. Sometimes you can start seeing immediate results and sometimes (more often than not) results are slow to realize.

When I run my seduction workshops most guys are at beginner level and haven't approached many women before, by the end of the night they've approached at least 50 women! And they realize instant results and they achieve an ultimate level of state, they feel amazing and want more.

Other seduction workshops I run students are at differ levels of seduction learning and prefer to focus on a key point of attraction, which we do and they again see amzing results.

Have you ever been to the gym and tried to gain muscle mass?

You work out for 1 solid week, stressing muscles, sweating all over the place, red in the face, huffing and puffing... all that effort! And when you look in the mirror after two weeks you're still the same weight!

I have many times...

I find that I stopped and started the gym visits for the last few years depending on my state. I might watch a bruce lee movie and get instantly motivated again and go back, and again after a few weeks... I see no results so I give up.

It's a cylcle and I keep repeating this. I was quite amazed (I really was) when I found out that I wasn't alone and in fact most guys were doing exactly what I was doing (this could be you too?)

The same prinviple appilies especially when learning seduction.

Instant results are RARE (but can happen) : )

A key to excelling fast in the art of eduction is accepting that this can be a long or short road and it all depends on your willingness to learn and your comfort levels at this point in time. Below are some simple steps you can follow to keep up the spirtits and continue learning the art of seduction.

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1. Have no agenda; if you have no agenda or outcome then logically you cant be disappointed. If you head out for a night on the town with a 'purpose' i.e getting 10 phone numbers, X amount of make-outs and you don't acehveive these set goals then you'll feel slightly anxius. 2. Find a friend! It's better to go out with supportive and friends you know well as most importantly you all have fun together. If you treat pickup as a mathemtaica;l equation then women will sense this, having fun is important as it creates lots of emotion with women, so guys avoid boring interview questions, play with her head, tell jokes and casually compliment her (but only if its sincere) important that you don't overdo this one. 3. Dress pimp; don't dress in a suit or any business like fashion aka "boring". If you look funky, cool and stand out then women will automatically sense you have confidence to wear these clothes in the first place, it also conveys you are A FUN GUY. It brings a certain energy to the interaction. This brings me to my next point...4. ENERGY!!!!! Especially at night time have energy. Being high energy ismuch better than being shy and quiet (this isn't cute its creepy). If you meet a guy that speaks and cant be heard, and you have to lean in to talk to him you will understand that it gives off the wrong signals and its creepy. So start being LOUDER. Most of the successful guys I know who are AMAZING with women are super loud.

I'll talk to you soon!

Your friendAlex Coulson

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