2012: Foretelling Natural Disaster Or Wonder Of Nature? - Self Help - Advice

Survival kit for these intense times leading up to 2012

I know I'm not alone in experiencing the tremendous shifts of energy occurring on our planet at this time. Can you feel it, too? Have you noticed or experienced some of the signs, such as:

Good-bye Familiarity...Hello Unpredictability

When life so familiar becomes increasingly unpredictable, the need for broader understanding increases.

We need to be able to wrap our minds around why all this is happening and what we can actually do about it. There is nothing more stressful than being stuck in the middle of an overwhelming situation with little or no idea how to navigate your mind through it - or grasp what is even happening.

My aim for writing this is to provide you with some insights and understanding of what is happening on a global level and how you can be prepared and conscious of challenges as they occur. Many people have already lost their jobs and houses along with their peace of mind, because they didn't understand what was happening in their lives and had nowhere to turn for answers.

I'd like to give you a shout out if you're reading this. Well done for being here and going through this experience and learning how to manage yourself - you will avoid many pitfalls.

So, what can you know to be ever-ready and maintain a smile amidst the apparent chaos? Are you ready?

2012: The Prophecy of Dis-Integration

Regardless of how accurate all the different details about the 2012 prophecies are, it's fair to say we have begun to see many tremendous shifts in the world. Many of the effects prophesized about are happening right now all around us and will keep on happening, too. From climate changes to collapse of old systems and organizations to the massive growing interest in spiritual awakening - things are HAPPENING!

There are endless videos and stories about the 2012 phenomena that go into great depth on this subject, so, I won't even attempt to explain the various view points here. Suffice it to say that we are going through a massive global shift and energies are being primed. And, no matter what your gender, status or location, you cannot avoid it - it does not discriminate. And...for women, it has nothing to do with their period or menopause - it might have similar symptoms, but it is much bigger.

One of the signs mentioned in the 2012 prophecies worth noting is the gaps between intense moments and significant events in the world. The gaps are getting shorter as the need for personal transformation gets greater, while the old ways of being dis-integrate within us and around us.

This is why life can be so stressful, because what was valid and useful yesterday, no longer works today. It's like every rug we ever stood on or try standing on is being pulled out from under us at every step. This is a most unpleasant and unsettling situation to be in as any - and it requires a powerful ability to separate from the sensations of it and move on - fast. How many people came pre-wired with that skill?

The old patterns that seemed to be working fine for many centuries are being exposed for the dysfunctional and rudimentary things they are. And, everything that is old and out of alignment with the NEW is loosening its hold over us and our world. Put simply...if what you are doing and thinking is based on an antiquated belief, it doesn't work any more and the results will be fleeting or opposite to desired.

Human Nature Overhaul

There is a major and forceful upgrade in human nature going on; a call for new true levels of being human and letting go of all that no longer serves us. Look how many companies, relationships and lifestyles have ceased to be in order to make room for a new highness of being that is growing within us.

That is why very few things in our lives are certain any more and we often feel insecure, confused and freaked-out about our associations within and around us - and understandably so. This point in time we are living in is intense for us all - we are all being called to change. And...if we don't we will be forced to, no matter how hard we try to cling to the past. As much as we can put on a brave face and pretend all is well, it will keep happening and we will be affected.

This time in history is like none other, and things which would never have been even dreamed of are occurring on a regular basis. As our lives and the world become increasingly intense and profound there is only one thing I am 100% certain about: it will all work out for the best.

Life is extremely benevolent and is supporting us in our personal ascension. The times of extremes have begun and we are all going though it together; we are all being called to make quantum shifts in our lives.

So, as you find little and big things bothering you and as you see relationships seemingly break up, the economy seemingly fall apart, the ensuing emotional outbreaks and whatever else presents itself before you - know one thing.

YOU are safe. You are an eternal spiritual being, and you will come through the other end feeling lighter in spirit and fully in your power.

What the Signs Mean

All of our troubles and vexation are indicators that are here to help us let go of that which no longer serve us and return us to our inherent being state of innocence. In fact, many catastrophic events have been predicted in various myths, prophecies and scriptures - the doomsday and Armageddon stories have been around for eons.

So, to find ourselves in the midst of total transformation at a timeline when we are checking our iPhones, enjoying 100s of thousands of varieties of imported foods and driving around in hybrids can be a strange juxtaposition to say the least. And, although prophecy foresaw the inevitability of these events and many are already living life according to their true nature, it seems the time has finally come for the light to shine on the yet unconscious of the masses.

Re-Integrating the Light

But, it doesn't really matter what the details of our situation are; the only thing that counts is that we stay focused on the Light that we are - the opposite of the hell that we may see or be living. Let that experience hold us safe and let us totally accept that the greatness of our true inner nature is not only real, but it is time to re-integrate it fully and let go of all else.

Let go, let go, let go. It's time to breathe anew - accept we may have not been living our highest spiritual potential, forgive ourselves for it, and begin to activate that now. I guarantee you that as time goes on, this practice of re-connecting with your spiritual truth and nature will be the only thing useful and effective - and the results will be your desired ones.

Don't worry about what the future might be, just focus on bringing your awareness to the light in your life now and the horizon of your personal destiny will be golden. Do that.

The light is already here...just become aware.

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