7 Methods to Help Treat Eczema Quick - Health - Wellness

Eczema is an illness whose symptoms include itching, redness, flaking skin, small pimples on the neck, forehead and cheek, and rough skin. Many people treat eczema using home remedies. There are medicinal treatment for eczema in children and babies. The problem of using medicines for baby eczema treatment is that the symptoms relapse after the medicines are stopped.

1. Oatmeal Bath: This is another great way of eczema relief for your little child. Grind some oats in the blender and put it into a muslin tea bag. Place this tea bag into the warm bath water of your child in order to ease off the excessive itching sensation. However, do not give a long bath to your child.

2. Take your zinc. Zinc has been shown to benefit the skin in general and eczema in particular. Purchase a zinc supplement and follow the manufacturer's recommendations for daily use.

3. The following are vitamins known to be helpful with skin health. Don`t just supplement, try including more foods high in these vitamins and minerals along with supplementing. Vitamin A:15 milligrams, Vitamin C: Take 500 milligrams 3 times a day for a total of 1500 milligrams a day, Vitamin E: 700 International Units a day, Zinc: 15 milligrams a day for women and 20 milligrams a day for men.

4. Epsom Salt - Epsom salts help remove dead skin from the surface of eczema. Use in warm bath water and soak your body in the solution. Apply natural oils afterwards for best results.

5. Petroleum Jelly: To keep the skin in a well moisturized condition, petroleum jelly is the best option available with you. Most of the body lotions that are available in the market contain fragrance and other irritants which are not suitable for your child. Apply the jelly soon after the bath when the skin is still not completely dry. You should apply it thrice a day for best results.

6. Opt for cotton. Clothing made with cotton is easier on eczema-ridden skin than clothes made with synthetic fabrics. Additionally, try to avoid tight clothes, as they can make your symptoms worse.

7. This special oil is an important aid to the health of skin. Eating foods like walnuts, avocados, mackerel and Alaskan tuna are great choices.

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