How to Get Phlebotomy Technician Certification - Education - Continuing Education

In any professional field, irrespective of your role or designation, it is imperative to have the proper level of schooling. In the medical field, this is especially the case. With phlebotomy, an individual who graduated from an accredited phlebotomy training course isn't considered a certified phlebotomist until they successfully pass a phlebotomy certification test. The exam is conducted by one of the various certified examination regulating agencies. In the event you consider 'How do I become a phlebotomist?' And 'what are the phlebotomist certification agencies?', than keep reading since this article will show you all you need to know to be able to start building a prosperous career as a phlebotomist.

How to Become a Certified Phlebotomist?

There's a huge value to get phlebotomy certification for those who aim to have a career in the medical field. The most convenient and simplest route to being a certified phlebotomist is through the completion of an accredited phlebotomy training program. Successfully completing an accredited phlebotomy program is a precondition that needs to be fulfilled before taking a phlebotomy certification exam. Certified phlebotomy training programs aim to prepare students for the phlebotomy certification exams whilst giving them the necessary theoretical expertise, the social skills required for the position as well as the hands on practical experience.

In some instances, it's also possible for attending nurses as well as other healthcare personnel to become certified phlebotomists without having formal training. The certifying agencies will require proof of work of phlebotomy from their employers and they will have to take the phlebotomy certification exam.

Phlebotomy Certification Agencies

In the United States, you will find Ten nationally acknowledged validating agencies which have the ability to administer, evaluate and certify phlebotomy certification exams. These agencies include:

The Association of Phlebotomy TechniciansThe National Phlebotomy AssociationThe American Society for Clinical PathologyThe American Certification AgencyThe American Medical TechnologistsThe National Center for Competency TestingThe American Society for Clinical Pathology

Based in Chicago Illinois, The American Society for Clinical Pathology was founded in 1992 and is one of the biggest society of clinical professionals. ASCP's education programs and the ASCP Board of Certification's programs are highly renowned for their rigorous adherence to high quality controls in the medical field and also have provided the foundation for excellence in the profession.

The Association of Phlebotomy Technicians

Founded in 1983, The Associations of Phlebotomy Technicians is renowned for their Phlebotomy Certification programs. The certification program of this society differs from others, as not only do they provide a written test but also test students in their practical experience. Apart from testing and certifying tests, the society also offers supplies for continuing education and home study as well as develops and administers training programs.

The National Phlebotomy Association The National PhlebotomyAssociation was founded in 1978 for the purpose of creating a professional standard and code of values for this important group of medical professionals. The NPA continues to be firmly devoted to excellence in developing educational curriculum, providing certifications, offering continuing education programs, researching issues involving phlebotomy, and promoting professional and awareness.

Online Phlebotomy CertificationShould you have decided to obtain a Phlebotomy Certification you have won half the battle. The other half would be to simply follow through the Phlebotomy Training Program and successfully pass the Phlebotomy Certification Exams, which when equipped with the appropriate knowledge will not be an arduous task.

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