How to Get A Six Pack And Lose Belly Fat - Health

How to Get A Six Pack And Lose Belly Fat

For many males across the world, they only six pack they have is a six pack of beer and so they end up having to struggle with the effects of their over indulgence of beer i.e. having a beer belly (the colloquial term used to refer to an excessively large stomach which is attributable to excessive alcohol consumption.

On that note, beer and wine are both rich in sugar meaning that they provide no nutritional value (they have no nutrients or minerals to speak of) but plenty of calories meaning that the drinking of them will end up in weight increasing.

If you want to know how to get a six pack and lose that belly fat, then please use the following strategies to achieve the best results.

Reduce your alcohol intake!Please note that we have said "reduce" not "eliminate". Alcohol in moderation is perfectly fine, but when you drink too much, that is when it becomes an issue.

Another problem with alcohol is that it makes you thirsty and in addition it reduces your inhibitions. This means that your judgement is reduced meaning you are more likely to be rash and impulsive.

Rely on appropriate exercise methodsMany people seem to that abdominal crunches, sit ups and leg raises are the best method of achieving that highly coveted six pack effect of the stomach. Others seem to hold the view that it is weight training that will get the best results. Both are totally wrong.

You need to make sure you rely slightly more on cardio exercises, also known as aerobic exercises such as cycling, short sprints to get maximum results. This is because these types of exercises directly increase the rate at which the metabolism burns the calories at. Look at the body of a sprinter, they nearly all have six packs. They don't do hours of running around the track they do shorter intense 100% flatout running.

Any high-impact running works the abs well, intense sprinting derives power particularly from the lower abs.

These exercises squats and deadlifts work your entire core. The abs' primary job is to work together with your back muscles to maintain correct posture and stabilize the spine. The squats and deadlifts are exercises that force your entire core to go into overdrive to support your spin. At the same time they are training your core they will also train a load of other muscles like glutes and quads, and this will promote even more fat loss as the body recovers.

That said, weight lifting is of some use because it also tones and increases the proportion of muscles of the body. Given that the body will need to burn more calories to sustain muscles rather than fat (which require hardly any calories at all to keep safe) having good muscle tone is very important. The extra muscle also increases the resting rate of your metabolism.

Split up your mealsRather than having one or two large meals during the course of the day, it is important that you split them up during the course of the day so as to avoid blood sugar levels falling too low.

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