What websites to trust for iphone unlock and jailbreak solutions - Technology - Cell Phones

Should we go to the firsts websites Google shows?

No! Many people wanting to unlock/jailbreak their iPhone , go to the first websites provided by Search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo presuming that since the Search engines are showing this sites first should mean that this are trustful sites, not scams. This is not always true, to have your website in the first results it just have to be SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly. Even though nowadays Search engines have a more elaborate way of ranking websites ,these are still machines and cann't rank them by evaluating if the information presented is true and accurate or not. At least if you search "iPhone unlock" the first results will be some well designed websites that are selling unlock solutions, and unfortunately almost all websites that are selling iPhone unlock solutions, are either scams or are just selling free programs. More accurate result you would get if you write in the search engine "iphone unlock forum" and read other people opinions, but this may b e misleading to because the website owners usually promote their websites by writing good reviews on forums or on other websites.

Do not buy expensive iPhone unlock solutions because you will either not receive anything (the unlock is not out yet ) or receive unlock guides for free tools (most of which can be found for free), but which do not worth the money for sureIf you want to unlock/jailbreak your iPhone follow an online guide from one of the iPhone trusted websites I mentioned before , or if you are not sure you can do it by yourself and want to be sure you won't mess things up and damage your iPhone , or just do not want to loose time reading the online tutorials just ask someone from iphonetounlock.com to do it online for you.

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