How do I Prevent Diabetes ? Is it Possible There is a Diabetes Cure ? - Health - Diseases and Conditions

Since diabetes is almost in third place with Alcoholism and Addictions to be being the third killer of mankind in the U.S. I thought it might be wise to place careful scrutiny on observing this deadly malady of mankind that is killing millions in North America alone.

First of all before I get into Diabetes Prevention and if it's possible to cure diabetes we must understand what is Diabetes. According to Wikipedia;

Diabetes--is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. This high blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of polyuria (frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger).

There are three main types of diabetes:

Type 1 Diabetes: results from the body's failure to produce insulin, and presently requires the person to inject insulin. (Also referred to as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, IDDM for short, and juvenile diabetes.) Type 2 Diabetes: results from insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to use insulin properly, sometimes combined with an absolute insulin deficiency. (Formerly referred to as non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, NIDDM for short, and adult-onset diabetes.) Gestational Diabetes: is when pregnant women, who have never had diabetes before, have a high blood glucose level during pregnancy. It may precede development of type 2 DM. It seems that everyone is touched by diabetes in many families throughout the world. It doesn't matter whether you have Type 1 Diabetes or Type 2 the consequences of diabetes are numerous and devastating to everyone involved. Some side effects of diabetes are blindness or partial blindness, kidney failure along with dia lysis and kidney transplant, not to mention cardiovascular disease which we all know what that leads to don't we, heart disease ending in a heart attack or a stroke being the number one killer in the world today. Now we have not even succombed to the fact that diabetes can lead to amputations within the human body as well as shorten your lifespan. So what are some of the causes of Diabetes you may ask? Good Question.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by genetics and usually is hereditary but also set off primarily by virus's due to a low auto-immune deficiency. Type 2 diabetes is caused by a multitude of factors including genetics as well as lifestyle forces and failure to meet certain nutritional requirements needed by the human body. It is type 2 diabetes I would like to focus my attention on at present.

Now I know you will find this hard to believe but in 1957 we learned from many different tests on animals that diabetes could be prevented and cured by two different trace minerals. It was published in Federation Proceedings which is the official journal of American Science, the National Institute of Health. The two trace minerals that you can get to prevent diabetes and cure diabetes in animals was chromium and vanadium.

According to the University of Vancouver, British Columbia Medical School, vanadium alone will replace insulin in adult onset diabetics which represents a majority of all diabetics to the alarming fugure of just under 90 %. Wow that is huge. Now of course diabetics cannot quit taking their insulin cold turkey they have to gradually lean off it up to a six month period at the same time take adequate amounts of chromium and vanadium.

Diabetes is a disease of leptin signaling and insulin storage not a disease of blood sugar though it does raise blood sugar levels. We have to trace it all back to the cause and effect. The cause meaning an improper diet and a lack ot certain trace minerals like chromium and vanadium, and then the effect which is a high count of glucose ( sugar ) in the blood.

Now since we are on the topic of trace minerals let me point out some very interesting facts. If you were to write to Checkerboard Square in St. Louis, Missouri, United States and make it attention: Ralston Purina, and ask them how many trace minerals there are in their dog and cat food not to mention rat pellets for laboratory rats you would be astounded to hear that there are between 25 to 40 trace minerals in their animal products. Now on the other hand if you go to H J Heintz company and punch in their baby food and bring it up on your computer how many trace minerals is in their baby food you will count 10. Now some may have a little more but the point I am trying to make here is simply this. Animals get between 25 to 40 trace minerals for consumption in their food by-products and babies which are our pride and joy and flesh of our flesh and bone of our bones which are suppose to be in our hearts completely, only get 10 to 12. Don't you think that there is something w rong with this picture.

By the way, if you are a mother who has just had a baby please do yourself a favour and by the new Baby Bullet which shows you how to make your own baby food. Why do you think that the New Baby Bullet system is the hottest selling product in making baby food on the internet. Just if you were to puree broccoli alone you would end up with 24 trace minerals and if you did sweet potatoes you would end up with 25 minerals and vitamins. Do you get the point yet. Whether we are young or old we don't get the proper nutrition that we need.

Now getting back to chromium and vanadium for diabetes. Since chromium is known as a micronutrient, it is best not to take chromium supplements as it may be harmful to your body taken in large quantities, not to mention it may cause hypoglycemia. As for consuming foods rich in chromium this will eradicate any difficiencies you many have with this nutrient. Here are a list of some foods rich in chromium that you need to get into your diet; sweet potatoes, corn, unrefined whole grain foods, oysters and shell fish ( though if you are succeptible to gout refrain as these foods increase uric acid in the blood ), spinach, broccoli, green peppers, beets, fresh basil leaves, mushrooms, apples and oranges. Remember a deficiency of chromium may lead to insulin resistance which is what most diabetics suffer from. Please try and get your doses of chromium in your diet as high supplement intake of chromium may lead to becoming glucose intolerant.

Now lets look at foods rich in vanadium, eggs, oysters, herring, brown rice, parsley, dill, radishes, green beans, corn, carrots and cabbage to name a few. Believe it or not olive oils and some vegetable oils contain vanadium as well. So here is our conclusion to those suffering from diabetes, make sure you consume more foods that have chromium and vanadium in your diets, get lots of exercise and start drinking lots of spring water as well. These are just a few natural health tips on how to obtain your diabetes cure.