What I Have Learnt About Blog Commenting - Its An Artform! - Business

I have heard alot of things about blog commenting. That is does work, that it doesnt work. That its a waist of time, and you really are just spamming someone elses precious real estate!!

A lot of insinuations flying around at the moment, however in all my marketing experience I can say that blog commenting does work, and it really is not a science, its more an ART FORM! YES!. A delicate artform that can give you great results if you know what you are doing.

In fact one of my niches, blog commenting works that best. WHY? well blogs in this niche are very popular, rank high in google and the blog comments section are like a 24 hour non stop festival where people gather to help each other out.

Infact one of the blogs I hang out on, is more like one big family gathering. Spammers are killed instantly, lifelong friendships are made, communication is very high quality, the mods are very funny fun loving guys.

So with all this said, what are your chances of finding this blog, just rocking up for the first time and saying things like "hi, cool post - check out this site!" you see it time and time again. Do these guys think they are going to actually get sales and make money doing this to 1000 blogs a day?. I mean even the low traffic ones. NO WAY! No chance at all.

Over the years, and with spammers being rife lately blog commenting has become this silent little powerful beast for alot of good marketers out there.


They know the hidden power of blogs and how to make money by helping, making friends, posting guest posts with your links included, and actually spending an hour or so a day and helping members there. If you do this, and people get to know you, and enjoy you stuff, do you think they are going to click links when you recommend them? Yes!...

People normally hang out on heavy traffic blogs because they know they can get decent answers to their questions fast. Think about the warrior forum here. I know it is a forum, but you can come here and get answers to an in-depth question fast by marketers who earn a lot of money online. Even if they have never been at a blog before, they can spot the high quality posters in the know from the dummies there just to cause problems and spam.

People are not really going to listen to you, unless you have something good to say, or your input blows them away. But it really is not that hard! If you know a little bit on the subject you can get attention fast. But make sure you go to the authority blogs and hang out there. High traffic blogs are easy to find. These are the ones that get huge amounts of traffic and normally get about 20 comments the instant a post is put up by the admin.

These are the blogs you will want to hang out on and do the following:-

1) Make friends with others, and have an edge. Come across as fun, and go out of your way to help people.

2) Dont spam and leave links on every post you make. Your main goal is to become an authourative figure first.

3) You will notice there will be 2 - 3 commentors that almost live on these blogs. LOL. Get in their good books and let them know you are there to help. They are most likely the mods, admins or their offsiders to these guys. They know their stuff. They hate spammers or scammers.

4) Get traffic to your site by posting graphics, or link bait stuff that people can look at whilst seeing your website link at the bottom. If you are a on a high traffic blog, you are not spamming people on blogs, people love reading comments love clicking links to pictures, funny graphics, insightful graphics, in depth analysis, and stuff that will help them out or make them money. So ensure you do post this (high quality) stuff and have your website down the bottom, visible for them to see.

5) Post links but really give them benefits for doing so. Give them results in advance. This is a sneaky tactic I use often. Most people think its sneaky to say things like - "Yes, that is great, but I got a nice six pack doing this - link here " But this still looks like spam.

You are better off saying things like - "I struggled for months trying to get sixpacks, but this is what really worked for me, check out my before and after shots here - link to picture - the girlfriend hates when I walk downtown now with every one looking!" LOL ok this is just an example. People no longer just click links! They want to know, why they should click it, and how it relates to the blog post. People can smell spam a mile away. So give them proof or a reason why they should click. its quite simple, and I just gave an example.

6) Be different, and always help out by giving links to other blogs and sites not just yours. Then when it comes time to post links to your stuff, like articles or blog posts more people are going to link to you.

7) Stay up to date with your niche. People do not want to troll the internet to find what the latest and greatest stuff is in their niche. So provide it for them. Or have others send it to you. I normally just do a search on google for the last month with keywords to see if I can find anything ground breaking! Google is very powerful and so are keywords.

8) Understand blogs are high quality traffic. People are there to get more help, and who are passionate about the subject. They will spend money if they think what you have will help them, and you can give them proof or results in advance for you and others. If you are there to just spam one liners followed by your links, dont bother.

9) Always try to be the first 2 or 3 people to post. I can say this works very well. I always get more traffic if you post first, and use a link or a graphic or some sort of link bait back to your site.

10) Don't piss people off. Sort out differences quickly. Even if someone attacks you whatever you do, dont piss them off more. Be friendly, explain yourself, and if someone becomes upset or emotional, don't feed that. They are expecting you to be angry and upset, dont fall into that trap. Be kind, and deal with it properly. You do not want an all out war. These things blow over, so let them. Communicating on blogs is different to meeting face to face and understand there are always going to be these complex issues, because you are only using text.

11) You will always do well with a particular style of comment. Whatever you do, and I mean whatever you do, always keep a diary beside you and write down which of your comments bring in more traffic and more sales. I mean write down why it worked. Then when you have a list of 8 - 10 things, do more of this. It will mean more sales and traffic to your sites / offers.

So many people test things, and they work, but they never write them down. As marketers you should be testing things to find things that work. Once you find that special golden nugget, keep using it. My Results in advance works the best in all the comments I have used.

12) Try to become an authority and help people more. The admin will have no problem allowing you to do a guest post. this is where the HOLY COW traffic comes in, especially if you are on the most popular blog in your niche. I did this once and bought in thousands of visitors to one of my blog posts in 24 hours. The traffic was incredible, from a post that took an hour or so to write. Well worth it for the sales, traffic and subscribers i got.

13) Try to direct people to your squeeze pages if possible. I can say this works great. People from blogs coming to a high converting squeeze page will give you not only good optin rates, but they are more likely to go through your funnels and buy stuff. But if they are on your list, you have them there for life, or until they decide to unsubscribe. VERY POWERFUL! I love people joining my list from blog comments.

14) Relise you dont have to be hanging out on blogs all day commenting. While you can do this, I advise against it. To be an authorative figures you just need to visit regularly, it doesnt mean you have to hang out in there all day. Just allocate some time each day. Dont get caught up spending all day there.

15) Think like other people hanging out in the commenting section. Why are they there? what questions are they asking? what questions get asked the most? why are they asking these questions? if you can't answer these, flat out ask people why they just asked that? I am telling you this is very powerful, and you may even be able to come up with a product to sell them down the track.

16) Try to notice the time the blog is the most active, with more comments being flug around. I can say, most blogs peak at different times. So just do some testing and like I said write down anything you notice. Does the blog traffic peak at midday, or more at midnight. Try to be there when the traffic peaks! That means more chance to get more traffic or sales when you are posting.

17) Try to be different. Because I am from Australia, I like coming across as the guy drinking beer without a shirt on, holding a Koala, and riding a Kangaroo across the backyard. LOL. now I can tell you this does not happen at all....in fact no where near it. ha ha LOL. But other people do not know that. Be fun, energetic, and friendly. Help people most of all, and you will be known as the koala hugging beer drinking aussie like I am. LOL. Use your own imagination.

18) If you are seeing someone popular being thrown around on blogs, and links that are talked about alot. See if you can come up with something better. Do not copy, but see if you can spend time or money creating something better. I have done this before and it works quite well. I outsourced this too, so I did no work at all for this.

19) Use videos. OMG when I saw how good this work, I was amazed. People love video these days, its the new online fizz whizz sherbert that people love. But it works even better in my niche. I find as long as you dont post some boring 30 min video, it works better. A 5 minute video with great content and show you link at the bottom the entire time, and you will see lots of amazing results and sales also.

20) Don't try to hard. Try and test things, and just help people out. You will be amazed at how people will attract to you, if you do this. Think about posting high quality stuff first, and make friends and if you do this, the money will follow you.

Remember blog traffic is some of the highest quality around. It is much easier for you to get sales and subscribers from 100 of these people, than 1000 people visiting from other various traffic sources. So use this information wisely.

Again test things, and see what works for you. If a certain type of blog post works and bring in lots of sales or subscribers (I am sure they will if you follow the above 20 steps) then write it down and do more of it. Track and test things as I said, you will find some good results. Blogs and people reading blog posts on high traffic sites are very high quality. So dont abuse this, use it to your advantage and go out there help them reach their goals and increase your online profits quickly. Remember its an ART FORM, and once you realise this, and experience the power you will see some good results!!!!