Exposed. The Lies About Losing Weight. Do You Finally Want To Know The Only Way To Lose Weight? - Health - Weight Loss
Do you feel cheated and lied to because all the promises made to you about losing weight fail?
I am a life coach and counsellor and one of the things that I see most often is the total lack of confidence and despair that people experience because they are over-weight (even fat). Overweight people believe that if they can just lose weight quickly their lives would be different and they will finally be happy. This belief is a problem because happiness doesnt come from outside the person, it comes from within but that is a subject for another day.
Desperate For A Weight-Loss Solution - Any Solution Overweight people have so much riding on losing weight (their whole life happiness in fact) that they fall prey to anything and anyone who promises them a solution. They buy all sorts of books and try all sorts of diets that dont work, or at best only work for a short time. You would have heard someone you know, who is overweight, asking why they cant lose weight and seen their desperate need to believe all the answers given in the hope that someone will have the right answer.
Weight-Loss Lies UncoveredMost books and diets are designed to take advantage of the desperate need to lose weight fast and they lie or sugar-coat the unpalatable truth that there is no quick-fix and you are what you eat. If you dont eat the right food or if you eat too much of any food (bad or good) you will get fat. Exercise is great for health and fitness but the sad truth is that it does not make up for what you eat over the long-term.
You might get away with eating a bit more than you could if you didnt exercise but theres always going to be the times when you dont exercise such as when youre on holidays, or feeling sick, or working late. There will always be a reason why you cant exercise and for most people any reason is good enough because they are only exercising so that they can eat more, not for the love of exercise.Take my husband for example. He is not tall (about 170cm) and he has a stocky build with a tendency to flab around his belly. He loves food and cannot resist desserts and chocolates, in fact anything sweet. He goes to the gym 5 days a week and restricts his food intake rigorously during the week by eating 5 small meals a day, so that he can splurge on the weekend. This system keeps his weight under control but it takes huge motivation and will power. He alone is responsible for making sure that he abides by his weight control regime 5 days a week.
When we go on holiday though and he doesnt watch what he eats, eats large meals rather than regular small ones and stops exercising you can see the fat attach to his belly overnight. Im not exaggerating. On a daily basis his waist line thickens and each time he gets home and tries to lose the weight it is a little bit harder to do.
This proves my point that you are what you eat and to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight you need to watch what you eat most days each week and do exercise so that you can splurge and lift the restrictions on weekends or special occasions.
How Can You SucceedBecause it is undeniable that to lose weight and maintain that weight loss you must:
(a) Watch what you eat; and(b) Exercise daily
FOREVER it is clear that you are going to need to motivate yourself and find something within you that makes you know that this is possible, long term.
Maintaining an attractive weight is a life-long commitment which means that you must find an eating plan and exercise plan that you can live with.
Without knowing it my husband was actually following a plan very similar to the Fat Burning Furnace designed by Rob Poulos. The only difference was that he was doing 50 minutes cardio exercise at the gym four days a week and weight bearing resistance training only once a week. The Fat Burning Furnace system does not support cardiovascular exercise for weight loss as this type of exercise burns calories whilst youre doing it but not afterwards and your body can become used to it. Weight bearing resistance training not only lets you lose weight whilst youre doing it but for hours afterwards as you build muscle that eats calories. My husband has changed his cardio exercise to weight bearing exercise and is amazed at the results. He is now spending less time exercising and seeing a much tauter, trimmer body.
The Fat Burning FurnaceThe Fat Burning Furnace System is contained in a book that shows you how to lose fat and gain lean muscle.
The keys are:
(a) Eating small regular meals; and
(b) Doing weight bearing rather than cardiovascular exercise to raise your resting metabolic rate (RMR).
Increasing your RMR is the furnace part as it enables your body to burns hundreds more calories each day, without eating less. This obviously will help speed up any weight loss plan.
The Fat Burning Furnace System involves doing a full body workout of specific weight bearing exercises, slowly for 20 25 minutes a day, 3 times a week to maximise the impact they have and tire the muscles out. This means that the muscles have to repair themselves and this burns calories. You only have to do each set of exercises once which means that the time you need to commit is reasonable.
People who have not exercised for a long time are guided gradually into the programme and then there is a beginner, intermediate and advanced workout plan that you can follow. There is also a BlowTorch system which is a super-charged workout which lets you target specific areas of your body.
You get some sheets which you can print out to help track your progress, and some tools like a body fat percentage analyser which helps keep you on track.
The book gives you a sample menu plan for a day and shows where you can lots of recipes for great meals. The system is not like a diet and you are not expected to starve or feel hungry. Just the opposite. You are required to eat regular, small, nutritious meals that keep your RMR pumping and burning calories.The system does not promise you magic results and makes it clear that you are responsible for what you eat and how you exercise. Because of that many people may not be attracted to it. However, those who know that you are responsible for your own success will find this system to be the answer they have been looking for.
There are no gimmicks just clear, sensible methods for long term success. You are what you eat and this system shows you that eating well is not hard and that you will lose weight when you watch what you eat and do a reasonable amount of weight bearing exercise.
The book gives you a sample menu plan for a day and shows where you can lots of recipes for great meals. The system is not like a diet and you are not expected to starve or feel hungry. Just the opposite. You are required to eat regular, small, nutritious meals that keep your RMR pumping and burning calories.The system does not promise you magic results and makes it clear that you are responsible for what you eat and how you exercise. Because of that many people may not be attracted to it. However, those who know that you are responsible for your own success will find this system to be the answer they have been looking for.There are no gimmicks just clear, sensible methods for long term success. You are what you eat and this system shows you that eating well is not hard and that you will lose weight when you watch what you eat and do a reasonable amount of weight bearing exercise.
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