AP English Language and AP English Literature What's the Difference? - Education - K-12 Education
There are many rites of passage for a senior in high school. Yearbook photos, prom, and graduation number amongst the most common, and exciting, but there are many other in the academic realm that students tend to dread rather than anxiously await. For high-performing, college-bound high school seniors, a major portion of their last year of high school will devoted to preparing for one or more Advanced Placement Exams.Depending on when a student takes an Advanced Placement course, he or she may take various Advanced Placement exams throughout his or her high school career, but its typical for college-bound high school seniors to take one or more Advanced Placement class each semester. These courses look great on university applications, and successful completion of the course and a passing score on the Advanced Placement Exam often results in the student earning college credit for the course, which can save the student valuable tuition money and also decreases the number o f courses the student needs to complete once he or she reaches college, helping him or her to graduate in four years or less.The Advanced Placement, or AP Tests, are becoming more and more crucial for college admissions as top universities continue to get more and more competitive. Advanced Placement tests are offered in a variety of disciplines, from Calculus to Art Studio, but two of the most common are the AP English Language and AP English Literature Tests. The tests may sound the same, but are actually quite different. Its important for students to choose which test to take based on both their skill sets and the requirements set forth by the colleges or universities to which they are applying.The tests sound similar, but are actually quite different, and its important that students know which one they will be taking so that they may prepare appropriately. The AP English to a Grecian Urn and The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock.The AP English Language Test is generally th ought to have stronger focus on essay-writing, prose and non-fiction, and might be a better choice for students who like to read and write, but might not have the best mind for details and facts. While the literature focus of this test is certainly not as strong as the literature test, its important to be well-read for a variety of reasons. First, tests have shown that avid readers generally make the best writers, but also because its likely that the test will include reading comprehension exercises, possibly from a classic work of prose like Great Expectations.Students that are in Advanced Placement English classes will likely begin preparing for either exam early on in the school year, typically completing several practice tests prior to the formal examination, so that they are able to identify their strengths and room for improvement and tailor their study time specifically. High school seniors are typically very busy with a variety of commitments, so its important that t hey utilize their time as efficiently as possible.
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