How Can You Boost Your Sales With Search Engine Optimization Marketing? - Marketing - Web Marketing

With the advent of the Internet Age, people have realized the potential of leveraging its use to market their products and services across different market areas beyond the boundaries of their present business location. Businesses have now turned their attention to the power of search engine optimization marketing to present their products and services to millions of internet users across the globe.

The question is: what really is search engine optimization (SEO)? Basically speaking, it is the process of improving the search engine result rankings of a website or a web page to ensure its visibility to internet users across the globe. The more visible your product or services are, the more chance that they will be bought or used by potential customers viewing your websites and web pages.

To properly improve your search engine result rankings, many factors come into play to achieve a highly optimized website or web page. But let's just touch on the basics because they are the most important.

Search engines follow a set of algorithms to rank each page in search results. Within these algorithms, considerations such as site content, page links, and meta tags come into play.


Search engine spiders love to come back to a website when they new content to "devour" for indexing to the search engines. So write or post something new to your web pages every now and then. An active website gets favorable rankings in search engines.

Links pointing to and from web pages

The number of links pointing to a web page is coded in some of the biggest search engines like Yahoo, and especially Google. The more links that a web page has will be viewed by these search engines as a trustful and authoritative page, resulting in high rankings in search engine results.


It is extremely important that your web page contains the keyword that your are targeting. If you are selling laptop computers, at least try to use the phrase "laptop computers" within your web pages, the caveat is don't overdo it. Or else, these will trigger alarms in search engine spiders marking your web page as trying to manipulate the search engine results.

Meta tags

Are HTML codes meant to direct search engine spiders what to do when they visit your web page. They are also used to show the "crawlers" what your web page is all about by showing the page's title, description, and keywords, and over-all site content. This factor has been taken out of the algorithm of some search engines because its use is abused by webmasters.

Some search engines have algorithms which take into consideration hundreds of factors to ensure a targeted search engine ranking, for a keyword, to a search engine user. But, the above mentioned factors are some of the most important aspects of Search Engine Optimization.

Search engine optimization marketing has become one of the primary considerations for businesses, product sellers, and service providers when doing marketing online. A search-engine-optimized web page will bring in more visitor traffic that will result to sales conversions.

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